Celebrating Over 50 Years of Impact!

Charitable Contributions and the Importance of Monthly Giving

As the season of giving approaches, it’s a great time to remind ourselves why giving is so important—and how we can give most effectively and impactfully. Read on to find out how charitable donations can benefit you along with the recipient, and why monthly giving could be the best way to make a difference.


Charitable Contributions


Donating to charity comes with a wealth of rewards, from the satisfaction of supporting important causes to tangible health benefits such as:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Less depression

  • Lower stress levels

  • Longer life

  • Greater happiness and satisfaction


People in the US who practice charitable giving also receive another benefit: a charity tax deduction. NerdWallet explains that “in general, you can deduct up to 60% of your adjusted gross income via charitable donations, but you may be limited to 20%, 30% or 50% depending on the type of contribution and the organization.” Donations to qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations can be deducted from your federal tax returns and can help you save money during tax time!


There are many great opportunities to donate to charity throughout the year, like during Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that encourages people to give back to our neighbors, our communities, and our world. Collectively, donors make inspiring and impactful contributions each year! If you would like to join in on the joy, consider donating to Crisis House this Giving Tuesday!


While one-time donations are always appreciated any time of the year, one of the best and most effective ways to support nonprofits is to engage in monthly giving.


Monthly Giving


Monthly giving involves recurring donations; a specified amount of money is donated to a nonprofit organization each month. Think of it like paying for a Netflix subscription—but your money is being used to create impactful, real-world change year-round. These regular contributions are the lifeblood of nonprofits everywhere, and equip them to make meaningful and significant strides in their fields.


Monthly donations are also helpful for the givers as well! Here’s a look at how monthly giving can help you, and how it enables nonprofits to do the most good.


How You Benefit


One of the best things about monthly giving is the convenience it offers! Because these donations occur automatically, you don’t have to take the time and effort to donate anew each month. No more digging for credit card information, navigating websites or telephone calls, or leaving reminders for yourself to donate. Monthly giving offers a quick, easy, and hassle-free way to support the causes you care about.

Relationship Building

Monthly giving also keeps you more in-the-loop with the nonprofits you love! Sometimes monthly donors may receive email updates showing you what your funds helped accomplish. You might gain access to inside information about upcoming projects and exciting progress.


Additionally, the nonprofit(s) you’re donating to on a regular basis will be more easily kept in mind, as opposed to donations you’ve forgotten about. You’ll be able to maintain more consistent connections and to see exactly how your donations are making an impact over time.


How Nonprofits Benefit


Regular donations can help nonprofits with financial safety and stability. Rather than being at the mercy of donations that are constantly in flux, nonprofits can have a degree of consistency with recurring donations. Monthly giving supports nonprofits in difficult or unpredictable times and allows them to continue doing important work, come rain or shine.

Cash Flow

Monthly giving is incredibly effective at helping organizations’ cash flow. Cash flow refers to “the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred in and out of a company.” Recurring donations support cash inflow and allow nonprofit organizations to focus on long-term planning and big, impactful projects.

Time Savings

Recurring donations also save time for nonprofits. Because of the stability these donations provide, there is less need for employees to spend time recruiting new donors. This lets nonprofits devote their time and resources more fully to targeted work and impactful change.


For donors and nonprofits, monthly giving can be an impressive win-win situation! If you would like to level up your charitable giving while supporting families in times of crisis, please consider giving monthly to Crisis House. Giving Tuesday can be a great opportunity to start that process!


At Crisis House, we are here during these stressful times to support families with our services and resources. We provide crisis intervention, transitional and permanent housing, and services for families and children fleeing domestic violence. We’re leaders in critical services in East County, San Diego, administering programs for individuals and families experiencing domestic violence and homelessness.


See our impact and help us reach those in need by donating or volunteering today! You can also sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop as we work to connect families, children, and individuals to crucial resources. Together, we can stop the cycle of domestic violence, child abuse, and homelessness and empower people to renew their lives!


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