Our Domestic Violence Programs offer a beacon of hope and a path to safety for those affected by domestic violence. With dedicated resources and compassionate care, Crisis House provides a comprehensive network of services designed to protect, heal, and empower. Explore our specialized sub-programs and find the tailored support you need to start your journey towards a safer, more stable future.
Our agency offers wrap-around social services, such as information, referrals, case management, counseling, and crisis intervention.
Crisis House’s East County Housing Connections program ends homelessness for families and individuals within East County each year. The ECHC, of which all services are conducted off-site, employs a housing navigator and mobile outreach team to connect with and meet the immediate needs of 570+ unsheltered homeless people on the street.
Crisis House staff and volunteers facilitate Project Homeless Connect East County and the annual Point-in-Time Count of Homeless in El Cajon. During the holiday season, Crisis House’s Adopt-A-Family program provides less fortunate households with toys and food during the holiday season.
Camp HOPE America – San Diego helps youth exposed to trauma and domestic violence find pathways to hope and healing through an innovative camping and year-round mentoring program.
Our team at Crisis House is passionate about fostering a safe, hope-driven community for campers and their families through coordinating a week of camp, followed by monthly activities exposing youth to different areas of interest such as nature, arts, and STEM to spark career goals and develop pathways to achieve those goals.
اضطراب تعاطي الكحول (AUD) هو حالة طبية تتميز بضعف القدرة على التوقف عن تعاطي الكحول أو السيطرة عليه على الرغم من العواقب الاجتماعية أو المهنية أو الصحية السلبية.