Más de 50 años de impacto


Through Support

Our Domestic Violence Programs offer a beacon of hope and a path to safety for those affected by domestic violence. With dedicated resources and compassionate care, Crisis House provides a comprehensive network of services designed to protect, heal, and empower. Explore our specialized sub-programs and find the tailored support you need to start your journey towards a safer, more stable future.

Nuestros programas

Journey Home

Designed for survivors of domestic violence seeking to reclaim their independence, this program provides not only immediate shelter options but also long-term housing solutions. By combining transitional housing with rapid re-housing, we ensure a supportive bridge from crisis to a secure home, paving the way for a brighter, self-determined future.

New Journey

The journey back to a life free from violence is profound. Journey Home is committed to making that transition as seamless as possible, providing comprehensive support services and re-housing assistance that aim to restore independence and empower survivors to rebuild their lives on their own terms.

Su oportunidad de marcar la diferencia

En Crisis House, creemos que todo el mundo tiene el poder de influir significativamente en las vidas de quienes se enfrentan a los retos más difíciles. Nuestras oportunidades de voluntariado están diseñadas no sólo para ayudar en nuestra misión, sino para ofrecer una experiencia satisfactoria y enriquecedora para aquellos que se unen a nosotros. Ya sea guiando a los jóvenes como consejero o mentor de HOPE, ofreciendo su experiencia profesional o dando la bienvenida a la comunidad como recepcionista voluntario, su tiempo y su talento pueden fomentar la esperanza y el cambio.

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Please feel free to contact us

(619) 444-4925

Calle Cuyamaca 9550
Suite 101, 202
Santee, California 92071

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