A Survivor’s Story

Alexis’ Journey towards Empowerment Alexis is a mother of three children. She endured a physically abusive relationship with her boyfriend in Nevada. She eventually fled the state with her three children to live in San Diego.

Alexis has always been mechanically inclined and is a “fixer” type of person, willing to get the job done herself. “I decided I might as well get paid for being a handyperson,” she told us.

She entered a Plummer Apprentice Program in Nevada and, due to the abuse, transferred her training to San Diego.

“I don’t have an issue with getting dirty nor with crawling under kitchen sinks,” said Alexis. She was and is relentless at making things work out for her. Even in the midst of homelessness or living in a shelter, she always holds her head up while looking forward. Her journey has not been an easy one. On top of her youngest son being diagnosed with autism, she found herself with virtually no support in San Diego. Nevertheless, she was committed to finding permanent housing for her family and completing the Plummer Union 5-year training program.

Crisis House came alongside her to empower her to make her dreams a reality. She entered our Transitional Housing Program, which allowed her to save her money as Crisis House paid her rent and utilities. When she exited the program, she decided to live on a small boat with her children to continue saving money.

Alexis was recently able to finally purchase her first condo, after budgeting,

living on a boat, and taking advantage of all of Crisis House’s supportive services. With only 9 months left to become a Certified Plummer, she can now live independently and be self-sufficient.

We are proud of you, Alexis.


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